Soil Tunnel: Crawl “underground” to explore roots, animal habitats, wells and septic tanks, and handle earthworms. Pre-K to 2nd.
Cargo for Conservation: US Fish & Wildlife kit explores habitat loss and endangered species. All ages.
Adaptations- Keys to Survival: Explore structural, behavioral and instinctive adaptations. All ages.
SC Fur Bearers: Learn about different mammals while looking at our fur collection. All ages.
Snakes: Checkers the Snake visits your classroom; students learn why snakes are important to our environment and which snakes you may encounter in the Lowcountry. All ages.
Trees: Learn how trees are vital to our well-being. We can help with SC Arbor Day Celebration. K-5.
Interactive Books: Pre K to 1st
(includes live critter, if available)
One Tiny Turtle by Nicola Davies
Is This a House for Hermit Crab? by Megan McDonald
Harry Horseshoe Crab by Suzanne Tate
Mister Seahorse by Eric Carle
Appropriate for all grade levels
Bats: Learn bat facts, echolocation & how bats are beneficial.
Spiders: Learn about the unique characteristics of spiders and why we should like to have them around.
Bats & Spiders are fun in October.
Appropriate for all grade levels
Enviroscape: Excellent visual, hands-on model for teaching point and non-point source pollution.
Incredible Journey: Through an interactive game, students will simulate the movement of water within the water cycle.
Appropriate for all grade levels
Sharks: Learn about shark physiology, behavior and feeding habits. Fun hands-on activity to discover what a shark may eat!
Horseshoe Crabs: Learn about these unusual gentle creatures, their interesting lives and how they are so important helping humans.
Beach in a Bag: Students handle a bag of shells & learn all about their adaptations & ecosystems. K-2nd.
Interpretative Tours
Marsh walk at the Port Royal Sands Beach to learn about the importance of our salt marsh estuary.
Explore the Port Royal Cypress Wetlands to observe the beautiful bird rookery, see alligators and other reptiles while learning about how these wetlands are so important to stormwater runoff.
Visit Crystal Lake Park to walk the lake trail and learn about the unique habitats when salt water meets fresh water.
*Binoculars are available to students & adults with guided tours. Contact our office for interpretive hikes and tour rates.
Additional program information
Each 45 min - 1 hour program has been designed to align to SC educational standards.
Each program is $45.00. (25 student limit)
If we don't have what you are looking for, please ask and we will let you know if we can provide a program or get in touch with one of our partners in environmental education.
Click the link below to see our Program Flyer.
Green Step Schools is a program designed to encourage and help South Carolina students develop sustainability projects on their campuses. These projects aim to allow students to learn about and execute projects that pertain to Conservation, Protection and Restoration of the environment. Working alongside qualified Green Step mentors, schools can qualify for awards for their projects!
Some of these projects include:
Our Education Staff are Green Step mentors. If you are looking to start sustainability projects on your campus, reach out to us!
The SC Envirothon is a program for 9th-12th graders to learn more about their natural environment.
A coach, whether that be a teacher or a club advisor, recruits a team of high schoolers at the beginning of the school year. Partnering with their local Soil and Water Conservation District, they are able to practice various methods in studying topics such as soils, water resources, forestry, wildlife and environmental issues. All their hard work will prepare them for 6 stations during the competition, 5 working exams and 1 oral presentation, that they will work through as a team.
The 1st place team is sponsored by SC Envirothon to go to the National Competition!
Upcoming Dates for 2025 Envirothon:
Every year we sponsor a team to compete in the Envirothon. We pay for registration fees, supply educational materials, and offer connections to local leaders in conservation. Reach out to us if you are interested in building a team!
124 Ladys Island Dr, Ladys Island, SC 29907 Mailing: PO Box 70 Port Royal, SC 29935
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM