You can mail or bring the completed regsitration form found below and payment to the Beaufort Conservation District,
or regsiter online thru Eventbrite for an additional fee.
Port Royal Boat Landing
Have you been interested in becoming an Adopt-A-Stream volunteer or do you want to know more about the program? Join us as we do our monthly...
Port Royal Boat Landing
We will have a "Barrels & Beer" event on Sunday, October 20, 2024 at Shellring Ale Works.
Get your tickets now to reserve your 50-gallon Ivy Rain Barrel at a discounted price of $77! ($150.00 retail price)
From the link below, you can also reserve a "No Water, No Beer" T-shirt, and a raffle ticket for a DIY rain barrel kit.
Reserve your rain barrel here or scan the QR code.
Lowcountry Montessori School
"Lowcountry Explorers"
Half day environmental science camp for rising 1st- 6th graders.
Lowcountry Montessori School
Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park
Visit us at our booth!
Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park
Cross Creek Shopping Center
Keeping kids safe in recognition of both Child Abuse Prevention Month and the Month of the Military Child. KidFest is a FREE event open to t...
Cross Creek Shopping Center
Port Royal Baptist Church
"There is no Earth without Art". Half day science camp for rising 1st- 6th graders.
Port Royal Baptist Church
Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park
Visit us at our booth!
Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park
Cypress Wetlands, Port Royal
Come out to celebrate birds and support the Friends of Cypress Wetlands! Borrow a pair of binoculars from our booth to see as many birds as ...
Cypress Wetlands, Port Royal
Heritage Naval Park, Port Royal
The Beaufort Conservation District has organized an Earth Day Event at the Port Royal Farmers market. Buy some fresh produce, then visit all...
Heritage Naval Park, Port Royal
Paris Avenue, Port Royal
Visit us at our booth!
Paris Avenue, Port Royal
Port Royal Baptist Church
Family Life Center
707 Pinckney Blvd, Port Royal
Monday, July 24 -Friday, July 28
9 am - 12 pm
$100.00 per child
Check or cash only. (do not mail cash)
We do not accept credit/debit cards
Beaufort Jasper Water and Sewer Authority had campers exploring where Beaufort County gets fresh water from and how water towers supply it.